Grain Handler

Jared in Illinois

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image2-1Jared is a new Dryer Master user who added a Dryer Master to his Grain Handler dryer in 2016. He uses it to dry about 250,000 bushels of corn a year.

Did anything surprise you about how your Dryer Master worked when you first used it?

I was very pleased with the simplicity and how user friendly the DM510 was to learn and operate.

image3Do you use DM-Mobile? If so how do you use it (phone/PC/home/at night?), how often do you use it?

Since I’m in the field and not at our dryer, I use DM Mobile all day every day to continually monitor the dryer.  I also check DM-Mobile just before I go to bed and get text alerts if something goes wrong.   This feature is near real time with only a few seconds of latency.  It gives me peace of mind knowing the dryer is working properly when I’m away from our bin site.

image1-4Any other advice or comments you would like to pass on to someone?  

Don’t let the price of the DM 510 scare you away.  It’s definitely worth the investment because over or under dried grain can be very costly.  Also, Dryer Master’s customer support has exceeded my expectations!  They have been great to work with.

Chris in Illinois

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Chris has a Grain Handler 2416 dryer that he uses to dry about 500,000 bushels of White and Yellow Food Grade Corn. He has had his DM510 for 2 years now. His DM510 is conveniently located right next to where he does his manual moisture tests.

Why did you buy a Dryer Master in the first place?

We bought the DM510 to automate and remotely control our Grain Handler 2416.

How often do you typically calibrate your outlet moisture sensor? And what is your calibration procedure?

dryerpicDuring harvest we sample and calibrate every 1 to 1.5 hours.  We press the sample button, run it through our Perten tester three times, average the results, and enter the moisture into the DM510.

Do you use DM-Mobile? If so how do you use it (phone/PC/home/at night?), how often do you use it?

Yes, I monitor the dryer via an IPad while in the combine during the day and use my IPhone at home after work.  It is used all the time the dryer is running.

Trevor in North Dakota

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Trevor dries less than 250,000 bushels annually of corn and wheat with his Grain Handler dryer. He has had his  Dryer Master DM510 for three seasons now.

What had you heard about Dryer Master before you purchased one?
Advanced Grain Handling suggested a Dryer Master because that is what they had and really liked it. We wanted something that was smart phone capable and we are glad we got the Dryer Master.

Why did you buy a Dryer Master in the first place?
To be more productive… We couldn’t run 24 hours a day before the Dryer Master because we didn’t want to under dry or over dry.. with the Dryer Master we can run 24 hours a day which is huge to getting our crop off before the weather changes in North Dakota… Every day is crucial and we have to be able to get the crop off and dry it down!

How does the Dryer Master change the way that you dry, or alter your drying operations from
an operational perspective?
We decreased paying a guy to baby sit the dryer all day. With Dryer Master we can look at our phones when we are not by it. Semi drivers and always monitoring it when dumping their trucks. We dialed in our set point for our dryer and it comes out consistent throughout our desired moisture for storage.

Did anything surprise you about how your Dryer Master worked when you first used it?
It took awhile to get used to it and a lot of phone calls just to get everything set but now we are familiar with everything.

Have you found a financial difference in your drying performance using Dryer Master? In what
Any kind of product that can give you a return on your investment is crucial in this business. This monitoring system pays for itself yearly in our eyes with the elevators being so aggressive on drying and shrink charges.

Dryer Master Experiences: Larry in Ontario

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Larry dries about 15,000 tons a year of corn, wheat, soybeans and canola and he has used Dryer Masters for the last 3 years.

Larry has a rather unique setup with 2 Dryer Master DM510s on his Grain Handler 4020 grain dryer (40 feet long, 20 sections high). Each DM510 controls one side of the dryer, with each side having its own separate drive. And yes, the two sides of the dryer will often run at different speeds. The picture to the side shows two of the newest Dryer Master sensor chutes with a rotary feed (highlighted with the black circles).

Why did you buy a Dryer Master in the first place?
To get a reliable controller for the dryer.

How does the Dryer Master change the way that you dry, or help your drying operations from an operational perspective?

Makes life easier not having to keep adjusting the output of the dryer.

Did anything surprise you about how your Dryer Master worked when you first used it?

We had had one on our older dryer (an MC 1195) but with the Grain Handler it seems to want to take control faster and is more consistent.

How much difference does it make to have real time moisture information versus having to go out and take a sample.

It’s a huge difference because at harvest time it gets busy unloading trucks and grading samples. I used to take moisture samples every hour but now with where the inlet and outlet sensors are, they are really accurate, so now if there is a lull with crop coming in I will take a sample, maybe twice a day.

What drying tips (if any) would you like to pass on to other dryer owners about how to get the most out of their dryer, their drying operations, and/or their Dryer Master?

After talking to Wolf at Dryer Master we started using 2 wet bins, so we dry the corn that came in yesterday, today (having let it sit a day). Really made the corn easier to dry – especially the first of the harvest. It seems to bring the moisture closer to the tip of the kernel.