On-Line Testing

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Everything is on-line these days. Information and technology follows you 24-7. Often it can be annoying and somewhat overwhelming, but not when it comes to monitoring the moisture of your stored grains, pet food, RTE cereals, and other moisture sensitive products.

At Dryer Master, we never get tired of talking about the need to constantly check the total bulk moisture, humidity, and temperature of your products. On-line Moisture SensorsWe have mentioned before that many people around the world incorrectly believe that testing their products occasionally is good enough. Of course, in many cases they simply do not have sufficient time and resources or access to the technology to test in any other way. Luckily, there is an accurate and reliable way to measure your moisture continuously from just about anywhere.  Dryer Master’s On-line Moisture Sensors are easy to install, take little to no maintenance, and when combined with a Dryer Master Controller or display or integrated into top-notch PLC based automation application they are accurate to ±0.2%M.

Our sensors are in use all across the world in thousands of locations. They are designed for operation in very environmentally unfriendly situations, from extreme cold to very warm temperatures.  There are explosion proof versions, which is quite important for oil seed facilities doing solvent extraction or other chemical plants.  If you want to learn more about our On-Line sensors, drop us a line or you can visit our website to find a dealer, agent, or distributor near you.

Do it today, because there is no reason to go another season losing your stored products to inconsistent moisture monitoring.

Moisture is King

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There really couldn’t be anything more important in the world of grain storage than moisture. Both moisture measurement and moisture control are key links in the long chain that takes grain from the stalk to market. Throughout the world, thousands (if not millions) of tons of grain are lost each year due to poor moisture measurement and control. At Dryer Master, our goal is to help stop the waste.

We first introduced our moisture measurement and moisture control technology to the North American market in 1983. Over the years, we have expanded across the world and into many other fields, including manufactured foods, feeds, and pet food. Throughout our history, we have been on the cutting edge of moisture technology. However, coming up with superior equipment is just part of our job. Perhaps our biggest challenge is educating anyone who will listen about the need to understand the science of moisture. We see it quite often; people will buy our equipment and install it without fully knowing how to implement it. Most companies will just tell you what equipment does, but not how to make it work properly. Moisture isn’t something that can be taken in a casual manner. For instance, corn needs to be stored at 14-15% moisture. If it reaches 16% it will quickly rot. 1% can happen in a split second, so 1% doesn’t leave a lot of room for error. Older technology and methods called for hourly moisture tests and many people still use this technique. It simply will not work. You need to constantly test moisture; hourly or spot testing is simply a thing of the past.

This blog will be a way for us to share our knowledge and gain from you, the reader. We not only want to teach you what we know, but also want you to share with us what set ups you are currently using and what you think could be added to make them better. In the end, our goal is to make everyone an expert on the importance of mastering moisture. So keep checking back, or if you have any questions, please visit our website, or drop us a line today.